Behavior can be disabled by toggling the Disabled item in the application icon menu. Initial_folder='/your/images/folder' # You can use '.' to target the folder in which you are running the script for exampleĪll_images=$(find -E $initial_folder -iregex '.*\. Adds modifier key + mouse drag move and resize to OSX - GitHub. # The resized image is placed in the /resized folder which will reside in the same directory as the image Xcode can be found at the App Store or here and the iOS SDK, if it is not already included in. # This script resizes all the images it finds in a folder (and its subfolders) and resizes them It could target non-Mac OS X platforms, including iPhone OS 2. Here is script that uses sips to recursively resize all the images in a given folder (and its sub-folders), and places the resized images in a resized folder on the same tree level as the image: #!/bin/bash